Your IP:
How do we know this? EVERY WEBSITE you use knows your IP, unless you use a VPN.
Your location:
How do we know this? EVERYONE on the Internet knows this. When your IP is visible, websites can know your location. (This has nothing to do with location sharing permissions)
Your ISP:
How do we know this? EVERYONE on the Internet knows this. When your IP is visible, websites can know your ISP.
Your IP address: visiblehidden
Your IP is not hidden by Bright VPN


Want to earn 100 Buffs?

  1. Install the exe file on your tastbar below.
  2. That’s it!
    Just keep Bright VPN installed, and use it only when you need.

100 Buffs will be added to your account automatically after 30 days of activity*.

*in order to qualify, your device must stay on for least 30 days (over a course 60 days).

Bright VPN is the best FREE VPN in the world, read more