Your IP:
How do we know this? EVERY WEBSITE you use knows your IP, unless you use a VPN.
Your location:
How do we know this? EVERYONE on the Internet knows this. When your IP is visible, websites can know your location. (This has nothing to do with location sharing permissions)
Your ISP:
How do we know this? EVERYONE on the Internet knows this. When your IP is visible, websites can know your ISP.
Your IP address: visiblehidden
Your IP is not hidden by Bright VPN


Bright VPN should be your go-to for secure connections and privacy

Nearly 75% of the population is not using a VPN in order to protect their online browsing activity, putting them at risk of identity theft

Are you part of the majority neglecting to protect themselves from cyber threats using a VPN?


Travelling and wondering if you need a VPN? Here’s your complete guide