Premium VPN. Free for you.
Paid by companies you
You allow Bright Data to use your Internet connection.
This pays for your premium VPN subscription.
How is Bright VPN free?
Bright Data owns Bright VPN and pays for your free VPN access. Bright Data collects public web information (online prices, flight information, etc) used by banks, universities, ecommerce sites and big brands you know.
Am I the product?
No, free vpn does not mean you are the product. We don’t need or want your data, and we don’t show you ads. We don’t see, collect or send any personal data, ever!
Secure, private, free VPN
Bright VPN encrypts your data and protects your privacy. It unblocks any website instantly, so you can access your favorite sites from anywhere.
Same features as paid VPNs, but FREE VPN

No email required
Unlimited devices

Requires Email
5 devices

Requires Email
6 devices

Requires Email
5 devices
Why use a VPN?
Bright VPN, free VPN service to protect your privacy

Bright VPN protects your privacy by preventing the disclosure of your real IP address, so you remain 100% anonymous.

Bright VPN secures your internet connection by encrypting your data, so that no one else can read your messages and activity but you.

Bright VPN frees you from restrictions or censorship by unblocking any website from over 150 countries, connecting you to the free Internet from anywhere.
Bright VPN security tools
Immediately check your IP address with the “what is my IP” free security tool, offered by Bright VPN.
The tool shows you your real IP address along with your geographic location and ISP (Internet Service Provider) in one user-friendly platform.
Bright VPN is a free VPN service to hide your real IP address, location, and to encrypt your internet connection.
Optimized VPN proxy servers for your
privacy and security
We do not track nor store logs of your browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS queries.
Security features

IKEv2 protocol
Bright VPN is a free VPN service that is packed with multiple security tools. You’ll enjoy the top in-market VPN connection encryption technology: IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2).
Developed by Microsoft and Cisco, IKEv2 is a VPN encryption protocol that handles request-and-response actions.
It makes sure your traffic is secure by establishing and handling SA (Security Association) attributes within an authentication suite, usually IPSec, since IKEv2 is built into it.
Simple and easy to use
Simple and intuitive, even as a new user, you will quickly learn how to use Bright VPN!
Download Bright VPN
Drag the app to the Applications folder
Enjoy private, secure, and unrestricted browsing
Simple and easy to use
Hide your IP