[resolved] How to quickly, and easily fix common VPN connection errors

In this article we will discuss:
- How to fix VPN Error 31/87/720/13843
- How to fix VPN Error 633/756
- How to fix VPN Error 13801/13849
- How to fix VPN Error 1931
How to fix VPN Error 31/87/720/13843
Follow these 5 easy steps to troubleshoot your issue in a matter of minutes:
Step one: First off, open up the ‘Device Manager’
Step two: Then go ahead and find ‘Network Adapters’
Step three: What you want to do now is uninstall all ‘WAN Miniport drivers’ (such as: IKEv2, L2TP, IP, IPv6, etc)
Step four: Now click on the icon that ‘Scans for hardware changes’
Step five: Sit tight – the adapter that you just uninstalled in step 4 will no be ‘reinstalled’
That’s it! Now all you need to do is navigate back to Bright VPN, and connect, any of the above error codes should now be completely resolved.
Check out this quick step-by-step video guide, and get back to what you were doing in no time:
How to fix VPN Error 633/756
If you encounter VPN error codes:
- VPN error 633
- VPN error 756
Follow these 4 easy steps to troubleshoot your issue in a matter of minutes:
Step one: Open up your ‘Command prompt (cmd)’
Step two: Then go ahead, and type in ‘rasdial / disconnect’
Step three: Hit ‘Enter’
Step four: Head on over to your ‘Task Manager’ and end both of the following processes: ‘Bright VPN’, and ‘Rasdial’
That’s it! Now all you need to do is navigate back to Bright VPN, and connect, any of the above error codes should now be completely resolved. If for some reason you still see an error code, then go ahead and restart your computer, and then navigate back to Bright VPN.
Check out this quick step-by-step video guide, and get back to what you were doing in no time:
How to fix VPN Error 13801/13849
When you encounter VPN error codes:
- VPN error 13801
- VPN error 13849
You should know that these errors typically arise when the ‘client’ in question does not trust the ‘certificate’ installed on their ‘VPN server’. In order to resolve these issues, one will need to ensure that the ‘client’ has all the necessary ‘root’ and ‘intermediate certification authority (CA) certificates’ installed on their respective ‘certificate stores’. Troubleshooting should typically begin by upgrading your ‘OS (Windows)’ or by ‘installing’ the ‘missing certificate’ in question. The latter can be accomplished by following these 9 easy steps:
Step one: Head on over to the ‘Sectigo Certificates page’
Step two: Keep scrolling down until you hit a section entitled ‘Root Certificates section’
Step three: Initiate the process by clicking on the download link that appears next to ‘SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certificate Authority’
Step four: Proceed to downloading the ‘certificate’
Step five: Now open the downloaded ‘certificate’
Step six: Click on the button that reads ‘install certificate’
Step seven: When the ‘Welcome window’ appears, first select ‘Store Location: Local Machine’ and then hit ‘Next’
Step eight: Now choose the ‘Automatically select the certificate store’ option, and then hit ‘Next’
Step nine: Now press on ‘Finish’
That’s it! Now all you need to do is navigate back to Bright VPN, and connect, any of the above error codes should now be completely resolved. (As with all previous options, restart your computer on a ‘as-needed’ basis).
Check out this quick step-by-step video guide, and get back to what you were doing in no time:
How to fix VPN Error 1931
If you ever do encounter VPN error code 1931, you should be aware that this typically occurs when ‘IPSes services’ are disabled or not running at all.
Now go ahead, and follow these 4 easy steps to troubleshoot your issue in a matter of minutes:
Step one: First off hit the ‘start’ button
Step two: Then go ahead and type in ‘Services’ before hitting ‘Enter’
Step three: Once you are inside the ‘Services’ window, search for ‘IKE’, ‘Authip IPsec keying modules’, as well as ‘IPsec Policy Agent service’
Step four: Now is the time to ensure that all of the above are ‘Enabled’, ‘Running’, and set to ‘Automatic start’
That’s it! Now all you need to do is navigate back to Bright VPN, and connect, any of the above error codes should now be completely resolved.
Check out this quick step-by-step video guide, and get back to what you were doing in no time:
Why Bright VPN is the right choice for you?
First off, Bright VPN offers industry leading user support, especially when an error is encountered. You will always have who to rely on when you encounter real-time, issues, completely free of charge.
Second off, Bright VPN adds an added level of security ensuring that any personal contact, communication or financial information is safe, and cannot be viewed by undesirable third parties (mainly through an end-to-end encryption technique called ‘tunneling’).
Third off, Bright VPN provides a wide range of country support so you can browse the Internet with no limitation or restrictions
Bottom line Bright VPN is totally free Proxy, VPN is unlimited, and access is private with a strict ‘no logs policy‘.
Don’t overthink it.